OK Mountain Business Model Reference

(For discussion only!)

OK Mountain
Web Site and TV show.

What is OK mountain? A money machine?

A children's Environmental Science and School support Math and Music: Web Site, TV show, VOD movies, DVDs, CDs, itunes and youtube.archive downloads, and free children phone education apps while mom drives or cooks dinner. And with "full web" plus recycled print catalog (option) merchandising. Consumer defined with exclusive retail agreements targeted for 7-Eleven and other retailers with very specific store traffic needs. Retailers who can also facilitate both impulse and planned purchase factors and with both decision makers and purchase makers.

It is all about making money. And doing something good. Real good. Good for kids. Good for the planet. Great for investors. Green and ethical by design. Tax credit and funding friendly also by design. Maybe even smart.

Based on the proven, and incredibly profitable success (and by success we mean in the "hundreds of millions" not just millions) and exactly. This as proven and done in Central British Columbia, and done with children's products, and web site merchandising. Proof as seen with both clubpenguin.com/ and littlehumbugs.com/ .
And even more critical in the US with far more than interesting metrics with macaronikid.com catching the eye of both Wall Street and Google gang? The potential cell apps to major Hyper-Local "price & Item" ad revenue Google and Comcast now dreams about and with the added Hyper Mom values, means clearly similar, very sound business ventures exist for similar well-managed and intelligent business models. This also critical to far less equity erosion for founders. We learn from others mistakes. Early followers in any innovation or venture have many marked advantages. All proof of market and concept costs done. All channel identification done. Market values measured done. If focus groups show our message engineering superior to all three or simply one of the above mentioned and with both children and mom's - or either we have something. If we have Resdpected andf creative educators, Harvard MBA's and Oxford Scholars and public investment vehicles available with bankers nod.
And marketing amanegemnet people recognized by academia, government trade and media

And if product category innovation and demand testing no longer pivotal than what is key and critical is early effective marketing and merchandising management leadership.

Note: By the time most read this far in if you can't see the value best you now stop reading and consider other investments you understand and provide more comfort.

More sophisticated and much more educated potential investors should now be intrigued and earger to challenge such promise? Maybe a business school or pension fund managers checklist as we used could be helpful.

As per the above three referenced web sites our proven initial management development group already far exceeds all three from start-up and still no cost? No debt. And we have no intent entertain more than "effective banking services" with international scale and scope as with HSBC.

This addressed for those who think management leadership is everything whether systematic and/or dynamic. For more conservative risk averse banker perspectives, restricted and controlled growth addressed.
This as sound enough considering short-term profits just traded for equity mushroom. We won't be debating Dividend theory. Banks want nice straight lines on growth and cost but allow share values to go free with market forces.

This business simply to develop for proven demand a product manufacturing plant in Okanagan for content and some key
merchandising revenue to the point of actuarial/projectable future net earnings potential. This for an optimized exit strategy and sale.

Sample sale targets: Disney, FOX, Google, (Maybe for Facebook"Mom".com)? and various Asian, Middle East and European parties, ideally with some retain minority interests in central BC.

In short, the concept tested and proven by many others and as a clear blueprint to "just basically improve upon" not create from scratch, and with little R&D to valuation with Future Net Earnings analysis goals.

Note: The wealth of talent still not exploited in the region (as well as federal and Provincial tax credits) the idea. As such to take what others do well and do it better seemed attractive.

Just reno the proven business models of both Club Penguin and Humbugs with Macarori Kids dynamics as to exploit the magic of all three.

This done as to better satisfy the Ivy League business school checklists Toronto and New York tries to blindside fools with.
Figuratively we got the answers to the bar exam before the exam?

Possibly more critical is to do the dozens of things that all three ignored and so key to effective and better project and profit management, Disney and Newscorp usually more critical?

Basically, the goal to be checklist ready as to satisfy Toronto Banker's need for: systematic enterprises with managed growth with proven bullet proof marketing and a few "franchise models" working. And ready to show major venture capital "projectable sales from some real net profits retail and on-line".

Timeline to public offering or flip three to five years.

The Product/Service.

Like Studio Penguin the basic product children’s Internet education and entertainment offering story book printout colouring books and games and the merchandising of actual OK Mountain characters as with Humbugs. We however also have an animated TV show.

Our Magic Mountain characters include the market proven Bear and Deer characters from Teddy to Bambi but use Buddy the Beaver as the central character. Art work and characters will be focused group tested with children?

Buddy the Beaver is the environmental brain educating all the animals about all the science in environmental biology and chemistry on OK Mountain. Bert the Bear and Diane the Deer always refer to the Beaver for academic answers while Randal Raccoon - the "Indiana Jones" character, goes on location braving snow to forest fires for CNN style reporting where the Beaver educates in his Dam by the Enlightened River.

The obvious children’s TV series for programming and merchandising understood as with CD's with songs written for more than rhyme as educating meaningful ballads. Again the talent in the region commercially ignored.

OK Mountain Management

With a stronger knowledge base in our management than others and with sophisticated marketers familiar with media to merchandizing and finance experience that span investor relations to board-of-director positions in high-tech, we start farther ahead than many others do.

The talent we also can draw from includes many from major Feature film and TV plus those with Internet experience older than most experts. As such we believe we can do a more proven web site plus better media exploitation from CD's and DVD's to Books for Christmas sales.

We also have experience with special needs children from autistic and language acquisition and can address both ADD and more docile kids more dynamically with proven media devices like shot changes and secondary channeling.


1 Use government programs and the special regional support to allow transition from broken film industry to new media proven in the Okanagan and as proven in childrens entertainment, education and merchandising. And to take the enterprise to working model and projectable audience to venture capital.

2 Use venture capital to:
Promote and further build web site
Develop TV show and merchandising program.
Finalize franchise model to sell to other regions like Britain and Australia,

3 Take public so founders can recognize value build and management transfer.

Tax Points:

Tax Incentives
Productions in British Columbia can access a variety of provincial and federal tax credit programs and if eligibility requirements are met, a producer can combine them to access exceptional savings.

Tax Credits Available To Foreign Film And Television Producers:

British Columbia Tax Credits
The British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit (PSTC) encourages film, television and animation production in BC and can be accessed by a broad range of foreign productions.

Components are as follows:

British Columbia production companies will receive the Film Incentive BC tax credit, which includes:

  • a basic credit of 35 per cent of qualified labour costs;
  • a “Distant Region” tax credit of 18.5 per cent for productions filmed in the Okanagan / Similkameen / Boundary Region.
  • a film training tax credit for approved training programs; and
  • a digital animation or visual effects credit of 15 per cent.

Canadian and international production companies could qualify for the Production Services Tax Credit, which has three components:

  • a basic credit of 25 per cent of qualified labour costs;
  • a “Distant Region” tax credit of 12 per cent for productions filmed in the Okanagan / Similkameen / Boundary Region.
  • a digital animation or visual effects credit of 15 per cent.

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